Monday, November 14, 2011

Sugamo Jizodori - Harajuku for old ladies

On my ride home this afternoon, I was met wish an exceptionally busy Sugamo Jizodori. A street I ride down every day, it is an extension along the old "Nakasendo" highway, which was one of the five major highways in the Edo period.

Today was definitely a celebration of some sort as stalls selling things from trash and treasure, fish, sweets, antiques and mainly clothing for the elderly. So the presence of young bearded Gaijin wheeling his obtrusive bicycle down the street perplexed many. I also came across these two great buskers at the end of street; one on a traditional Shamisen and the other on tambourine. A fine combination.

The shamisen is a 3 stringed resonating instrument with no frets that is played with a large plectrum. It is officially on the growing wish list.

Sugamo Jizodori shamisen busker 

1 comment:

  1. ahh the mysterious land of Japan... I love how 'today was definitely a celebration'... no idea what sort of celebration, will probably never know, but it was a celebration! You can just feel it...
