Saturday, November 19, 2011


Tonight C, J and myself ventured to Komyogi Temple for the annual Tasogare "Twilight" Festival.

" TASOGARE is a ephemeral festival at night with colorful particles of various sounds "

And I would agree. The festival, held in the main hall of the Buddhist temple, was a unique experience in many ways. Firstly to see a live contemporary music performance in a Buddhist Temple is rare even for Japanese locals. Secondly, one of the only three acts was from Brisbane Australia. Unfortunately I found their evident discomfort with the rooms heat, PA sound issues and experimental rockisms difficult to swallow. Lastly, the night ended with all attendees participating in a Sutra Chant to Amida-Buddha; the statue at the centre of the hall. 

So we left a little perplexed however satisfied as to the reality of the evening being that we saw Australian and US musicians playing ephemeral electronic in a Buddhist Temple in Tokyo...odd to say the least.

We rounded off the successful evening with a Chinese feast followed by the quintessential ice-cream in Shimbashi, where a steam locomotive was decorated in Christmas lights. 

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